Studying at EICnam - Incoming mobility

incoming mobilityEICnam offers to welcome international students in two modalities, in its apprenticeship programs throughout its network in France and at the Ecole Supérieure des Géomètres et Topographes in Le Mans under the student status

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incoming mobilityStudy in one of the EICnam’s apprenticeship programs

Created un 1997, the « n+i » network is a consortium of more than 70 French Engineering School including the EICnam. Throughout this network, the young international engineers with at least a bachelor’s degree can apply to study at EICnam in order to obtain a French engineering degree.


Once recruited by the EICnam, the international students benefit from an intensive training in French (in July-August) and then integrate a methodological upgrading program during 4 months. This program includes language and culture courses, but also an upgrading in engineering sciences (in the theme chosen by the student) as well as a "technological" part (practical work, laboratory work, etc...), always linked to the chosen theme.

Fleche vers un site exterieur (nouvelle fenêtre)Know more about the n+i

incoming mobilityStudy the Surveyor and Topographer's specialty  at the ESGT

The ESGT recruits several foreign students each year, under the student status. This training is given in Le Mans.

 Fleche vers un site exterieur (nouvelle fenêtre)Discover and study at ESGT